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The Ultimate Secret to Making a Product that Sells Like Gangbusters EVERY TIME

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There is a super simple way to create products people want to buy. It’s so simple, in fact, that you might have heard of this technique and quickly dismissed it. Yet it works like marketing magic just about every time it’s used.

Here’s the secret: Write your sales page BEFORE you create the product.

That’s it. Now here’s why it works:

– The headline and bullet points basically give you an outline of the product to create.

– You don’t have to think of the bullet points yourself – just go to forums and find out what people are asking. Those are your bullet points.

– It is far easier to write the sales letter first and then create the product, rather than the other way around.

– As you write your letter, you can think about what your customer wants to know. Put yourself in their shoes. This almost guarantees a great sales page and product.

– If you outsource the product creation, you can simply hand your writer the sales page and let them create the product from that. You’ll get a far superior product created in less time than if you ask them to do it from scratch.

– There’s no need to hire an expensive copywriter using this method.

Here’s another secret – copywriters use this method all the time when creating their own products. And if they do it, you KNOW it works.

“But if I’m writing the bullet points first, how will I get the information?”

The same way you would do it the traditional way – research. Either way you’ll be researching your product if you don’t already have the knowledge. But if you’ve already written your sale letter, then you’ll know exactly what information to look for, saving you time.

And if you find some gems of info as you do your research, you can always add those to your product as well as to your sales letter.

Write the sales letter first and you will nearly always produce a product people will want to buy.

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